Ensuring the best possible quality of life for animals and promoting respect and reverence for all

Ensuring the best possible quality of life for animals and promoting respect and reverence for all

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hot Dogs! Ten Minutes to Disaster

We understand that many people mean to be kind by bringing their dogs with them as they run errands around town.

But as the summer months are fast approaching, you should be aware that even a mild summer day on the coast can be deadly for an animal left in a parked car.

On just a 78 degree day, the temperature inside a parked vehicle can reach 160 degrees in just a few minutes. Parking your car in the shade or rolling down the windows won’t prevent your pet from getting over-heated.
Be aware of the signs of heat stress:

•Heavy panting
•Glazed eyes
•Rapid pulse
•Staggering gait
•Deep red or purple tongue

If your animal becomes over-heated, take him/her into the shade or an air conditioned area immediately and apply cool (not cold) water all over their body to gradually lower the body temperature. Apply ice packs to the animal’s head, neck, and chest only. Let him/her drink small amounts of cool water or lick ice cubes. Take your animal to a veterinarian immediately.

Help us keep animals cool and safe this summer!

Contact us for a free packet of flyers to carry with you in your car to help spread the word. Call
(831) 465-5000 or send a SASE to: Santa Cruz SPCA, P.O. Box 3800, Santa Cruz, CA 95063.