Ensuring the best possible quality of life for animals and promoting respect and reverence for all

Ensuring the best possible quality of life for animals and promoting respect and reverence for all

Friday, April 30, 2010

Dog Days of Summer

Dog Days of Summer


At the Benchlands along the River and around the County Building (San Lorenzo Greenbelt).

All Proceeds Benefit the Santa Cruz SPCA!

August 21, 2010
10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Activities include:

Dog-A-Thon walk, Parade of Katrina Survivors, vendor booths, scent tracking demonstration, dog psychic, agility course, doggie free style demonstration, raffle, doggie fashion show, bobbing for hot dogs, plus fun and games!

How to Help:

Be a Sponsor, a Vendor, a Participant, a Donor, a Walker, a Volunteer!

For more information, please visit:
Dog Days of Summer

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Making Lemonade...

Maggie, Charlotte, Natalie and Athena came into the Santa Cruz SPCA clutching a jar of coins and a thick envelope. "Tell them what you did" said Ms. Stoops, mother to Maggie. On their own initiative on a boiling hot Santa Cruz Sunday, the four young girls set up a stand with their very own homemade lemonade and made over $50 in sales. Not only did these young entrepreneurs make a handsome sum of money for a hard day's work, but they did it all for the benefit of Santa Cruz SPCA. Three of the girls have dogs of their own, and two of those were adopted from the Santa Cruz SPCA. Maggie spoke fondly of her own dog, Bella (originally "Hoover"), who was adopted from the SPCA a couple of years ago, and was the inspiration for the lemonade stand.

Thanks goes out to the girls for all the hard work they did!

Barks for Life

Barks for Life, held by the American Cancer Society on Saturday, April 24, 2010 at the San Lorenzo Park, turned out to be a great event in support a great cause. It couldn't have been a more beautiful day for it, and seeing our adoptables frolic and have fun in the park with all their new friends was absolutely wonderful!

Check out the slideshow...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Shoe Pet Portraits by Anastasia!

The latest fashion rage for pet lovers...Pet Portraits painted on your SHOE! Custom portraits, normally going for upwards of $100, now yours for just a $70 donation to the SPCA!!!

Please contact Anastasia at BinkyArt@live.com for more information!

Dog Blog: Meet Stanley

Handsome Stanley! Adorable and affectionate, Stanley would follow you anywhere! He is a 7-year-old spaniel poodle mix. He has had a couple of scraps with our alpha males, but is just fine with the rest of our free-range population. He is pretty smart and picks up obedience training very quickly.

Stanley is available for adoption at the Santa Cruz SPCA (2685 Chanticleer Ave, Santa Cruz)immediately. He adores attention and would be a lovely addition to your family.